happy day!

hi, guys! sorry i look so crazy in that picture. it's because i just woke up about 1 minute ago. but........ I AM GOING TO TROLLS IN 2 HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are going to the early one. the early one starts at 10;00 and i still have not done my school work! but. that's okay! i will start when i'm done with this post and that's in a couple of minutes. in my trolls post i said Justin timberlake was featuring in it.... but he's also one of the character's!!!!! and the troll that he play's is branch! almost the most funniest troll in there! well. got to go! it's time for school!


  1. So how did you like the movie Trolls? Did Johanna eat all the popcorn? :) Sure wish I was there to go with you! - Grammy

    1. No, she did not eat it all this time i helped her!

    2. She did help but I ate most of it! - Johanna


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